The Draftmaster has distinct advantages, especially for the tandem owner, over a conventional roof top rack. First, and foremost, is that you never have to lift the bike. With the Draftmaster the most strenuous part of the racking process is standing the bike up on the drive wheel and walking it into the rack. The rest is just securing. I've hauled as many as three recumbents with this rig without any problems. Since the rack kneels for loading, I still have access to my rear cargo door and cargo area. With a little practice under my belt, I was soon able to load and unload the tandem all by myself.
When I bought this system from a friend I had my tandem in mind. I found that the standard trays weren't quite long enough and that the Draftmaster tandem tray would cost me an arm and a leg. I had four standard trays to work with. After mulling over the options, I had one tray cut in half and welded the pieces to two of the other trays. This gave me two trays that were seven feet long. These were just perfect for my tandem as well my other LWB recumbent.
On the minus side, the Draftmaster is heavy and expensive compared to conventional racks. It also can create some vertical clearance issues, particularly if you park in a low clearance parking garage like I do. Nevertheless, I highly recommend this system.
Miles Saturday: 39
Miles Saturday: 39
Miles This Year: 2260