Since Teambent was riding from the City Hall parking lot at 8am and the HATS ride didn't start until 8:30, we unlimbered the XBike at the City Hall lot and said hello to David, Danny and Ken. Then we cruised over the HATS ride start. There we met, Hugh and Becky, Kevin and Jo, and Mike. All rode beautiful upright machines.
It's a quick 13 miles over to the Greater Houston Soaring Association field just outside of Wallis. I am a licensed pilot but I haven't flown in 20 years or so. The last flying I did was a few glider rides. I decided not to go up, but did convince Liz that she might enjoy the ride.

We had great fun on this trip and enjoyed meeting new tandem friends. I'll probably follow up with Kevin, our instructor, for a few lessons and maybe certification. We did find that our DF friends suffered under the same misapprehensions as most DFer's. One of them remarked that "One day all Boomers will end up on recumbents." Maybe we can change their perceptions if we continue to ride with them from time to time.