Regular readers of this blog (if there are any) know that my ride of choice this year has been the Flevo back to back tandem. The bike is a joy to ride, but not easy to transport. It won't fit on my Draftmaster rack or any other rack I know of because of it's length. End to end, the bike is just shy of 13 feet long (12'10"). It comes apart in the middle for easy transport. This means unscrewing a couple of connections, taking the rear hydraulic brake lever off of the front handle bar and unclipping the brake line. Then the two halves are stowed. Even the two halves are so big and unwieldly that it's easy to inadvertantly damage them. Taking the bike out to Fulshear for a Saturday ride means breaking it down for loading, setting it up in Fulshear, breaking it down for loading after the ride and then unloading it at home and setting it up again. That can become tedious.Solution: a trailer with a mounting system long enough to hold the Flevo. Good friend Z has found me a trailer and designed and built a mounting system.
We hope to have this unit up and running in the next few days. This means no more breaking down and setting up the bike. Hooray!
Stay tuned.