"It’s been a dream of mine to create a lightweight carbon fiber recumbent tandem. My luck was improved when a very good customer wanted the same, and provided much needed funds to get the prototype started. With the hard work from a respected CF tandem frame builder in Arizona, we finally have a rideable prototype that feels very dialed-in from the get go. Low speed stability was one of my main concerns, but test rides to include low speed climbs eliminated my worries.
Another goal of the tandem was to acheive a mid 30 lb weight. This tandem which includes 2 Ti S&S couplers and minus pedals weighs 35 lbs. All production tandems will be custom sized, and offered with or without couplers. First big test for the new tandem will be this years RAGBRAI.
We are applying for a trademark name for our new product line which will include CF single recumbents as well."
Rick tells me that the production model will be a pound or more lighter than this prototype. The frameset will include the Wound-Up all CF tandem fork. Apparently the S&S Couplers will be standard on these bikes, not an option.
I thought the Seavo was my ultimate bent tandem purchase, but Rick's beautiful creation, when it becomes available, will likely make me cash poor again. It's time to start saving!