While riding in Memorial Park on the Seavo with my stoker on Thursday, I had a low speed accident. I was trying to negotiate around a post anchored in the asphalt and I cut it a little too close. The left side stoker arm grip, an integral part of the seat, just clipped the post. I heard a crunching noise but the bike kept rolling no problem. We couldn't have been going more than 5 mph. Closer inspection revealed that the stoker seat had been completely torn loose from the frame. The seat bracket that attaches to the bottom of the seat (seen above) failed completely. The rear seat braces also tore loose. No injuries. New parts have been ordered and the Seavo should be back in business in a week or so. I'm disappointed though because there was a HATS (Houston Area Tandem Society) ride today in Fulshear. Oh well.
Random ramblings about my recumbent tandem adventures in Southeast Texas.
If you have any comments or questions please send to: mail_tandemania@yahoo.nospam (Replace nospam with com)