I thought we'd be rained out in Fulshear this morning, but for once the weather cooperated. It was a bit muggy, but the cloud cover kept the temps within tolerable limits. We didn't have much of a turn out (just three of us) but those who came were great company. I love riding in Fulshear because there is very little traffic and the scenery is so beautiful. We rode down quiet country lanes and saw cattle, horses, llamas, turtles, guinea fowl, donkeys, mules, hawks and one giant owl lying dead in the rode. Sad.
You just can't beat scenery like this. It's mostly flat with a couple of very gentle hills thrown in along the way. We had a new rider with us this morning so we rode two different loops, Pecan Hill and Bois D'Arc, each one swinging back by the parking lot in case anyone decided not to continue. It proved unnecessary.
The Chicken Man had a flat. This is probably my fault since at an earlier break I made the unfortunate comment that recumbents seem to have fewer flats than wedgies. Bad Mojo for sure.
We saw several large groups of wedgies, though not as many upright riders as usual.
Random ramblings about my recumbent tandem adventures in Southeast Texas.
If you have any comments or questions please send to: mail_tandemania@yahoo.nospam (Replace nospam with com)